Photo: Paul Jeffrey/ACT Alliance
"God's love made visible"![]() In late 2023, the National Government of Argentina undertook a complete reorganization, significantly reducing the number of national ministries and almost entirely eliminating social services and community provisions. In December of that year, the national currency was devalued by 54%, leading to increased prices, particularly for food. At the same time, soup kitchens and community food services stopped receiving any kind of products or money, exacerbating hunger. Pensions and salaries were reduced, funds were cut to provinces and municipalities, public offices were closed, and more than 11,000 employees were dismissed from their jobs. For the families of those incarcerated, these changes intensify their crisis. ![]() Women are primarily responsible for caring for incarcerated persons, visiting them across prisons nationwide. They provide both economic and emotional support, manage household chores, and care for children and other family members, often balancing these days with prison demands. It is in this space – responding to a food emergency, and advocating for justice, peace, and respect – that Week of Compassion, through the Iglesia Evangélica Discípulos de Cristo in Argentina (Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Argentina), a historical and long-standing partner of Global Ministries, eagerly partners with the ACIFAD-Asociación Civil de Familiares de Detenidos (Civil Association of Relatives of Detainees). ![]() ACIFAD is a widely respected organization that focuses on the impact of incarceration on families by providing resources and tools to access their rights. Research shows that children with incarcerated family members are often poorer, face academic challenges, and are more susceptible to child labor and other societal risk. The current economic and political crisis deepens the already existing inequalities between those who have and those who do not have a family member deprived of their freedom. Week of Compassion’s support enables the Disciples church’s work with ACIFAD to provide everyday sustenance and critical wraparound support to this vulnerable population. ![]() IEDC and ACIFAD work together to make monthly deliveries of food; facilitate connections between families and faith communities (of all kinds); identify and follow up on situations in violation of the rights of children and adolescents; provide counseling in situations of gender-based violence; offer orientation in managing medicine, health care, and addiction counseling; and strategize ways to continue their shared work, continuing to accompany families. ![]() As Pastor Bladimir Coro, President of the Disciples in Argentina said, “In this space we hand out food and make room to share experiences and reflections that make God's love visible in our lives. … All this has required a joint effort and open dialogue between both organizations. It has allowed us to strengthen our ties prioritizing the tasks of solidarity in supporting the most vulnerable families.” A recent gathering at La Iglesia Evangélica Discípulos de Cristo at Saavedra included a diverse group of women, men, and children of all ages, sharing the simple fun of blowing bubbles, listening to music, and making instruments out of plastic cups while waiting for lunch. ![]() Pastor Coro said, “It allowed each person to see one another. In this space, God’s goodness was present. Everyone came together as one in singing Yo vengo a ofrecer mi corazón (I come to offer my heart). We let ourselves be challenged by this invitation: to offer our heart with what is there. What a wonderful thing to come together like this, being a group of people who can listen, be listened to, and walk together in such difficult times.” ![]() Knowing the source of a community’s shared strength and the importance of connection in the work of compassion, Pastor Coro reminds us, “Please continue praying for this project that has been such a blessing for families, women, and children. Your efforts and contribution have helped mitigate the needs … Abundant blessings in your labors, families, and personal lives.” In this Advent season of expectation and waiting, Week of Compassion is grateful for longstanding and innovative partnerships that bring into clearer focus the vision of a world where God’s people transform suffering into hope. Comments are closed.
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