Advance training in a particular type of response can help you act quickly and effectively following a disaster. If you or your congregation are interested in any of the following trainings, please email us – we’re happy to connect you with resources!
- Disaster Emotional and Spiritual Care
- Disaster Clean-up
- Sheltering
- Feeding
- Week of Compassion Construction Site Leadership
- Understanding FEMA and Recovery Processes
- Community Emergency Response Teams
Week of Compassion is planning a Disaster Site Leadership Training for Fall 2024
Virtual Training: October 9 & 10 via Zoom, 2:00 - 5:00pm ET
In-person Training: November 6 – 10 - in Mayfield, Kentucky (expenses paid)
For more information about Disaster Site Leaders, visit our Core Crew page or e-mail us for more information!
Virtual Training: October 9 & 10 via Zoom, 2:00 - 5:00pm ET
In-person Training: November 6 – 10 - in Mayfield, Kentucky (expenses paid)
For more information about Disaster Site Leaders, visit our Core Crew page or e-mail us for more information!
Children’s Disaster Services is a Church of the Brethren Disaster Ministry that involves volunteers from many faith communities who provide a calm, safe and reassuring presence in the midst of the chaos that follows disaster by setting up and operating special childcare centers in disaster locations. Parents are able to meet with resource providers at multiservice response centers, knowing their children are safe.
Training helps volunteers understand and respond to children who have experienced a disaster. The information and resources from this training are beneficial to anyone working with children.
CDS provides specialized training for all its volunteers. The CDS Volunteer Training is a comprehensive 25-hour event that uses applied, experiential activities to help the participants integrate their learning.
Current Schedule
Dates should be posted soon for Fall training events!
Contact CDS for more information about attending - or hosting! - a training event.
Training helps volunteers understand and respond to children who have experienced a disaster. The information and resources from this training are beneficial to anyone working with children.
CDS provides specialized training for all its volunteers. The CDS Volunteer Training is a comprehensive 25-hour event that uses applied, experiential activities to help the participants integrate their learning.
Current Schedule
Dates should be posted soon for Fall training events!
Contact CDS for more information about attending - or hosting! - a training event.