Photo: Paul Jeffrey/ACT Alliance
Greetings from the Executive Director12/23/2024 As we move through the sacred season of Advent and Christmas, I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for the unwavering support you have shown to Week of Compassion. In this time of reflection and hope, we are reminded of the spirit of giving that defines our mission. Your generosity has enabled us to respond to numerous disasters and displacement crises around the world, and we are deeply thankful for the part you play in this vital work.
update: Turkey & Syria2/10/2023 a letter and update from the Executive DirectorDear Church,
All of us continue to pray for the people in Turkey and Syria as we hear and watch the impact of the 7.8 earthquake that has devastated so many lives. The death toll numbers continue to rise daily - as of this writing, over 22,000 - and this number is expected to rise with each day. Like many of you this week, my heart has been aching for the people in Syria and Turkey as thousands of families are searching for their loved ones. The winter cold continues to make the recovery efforts even more difficult. “A crisis within a crisis” is how many of our partners on the ground are describing the devastating earthquake. A Letter on Ukraine3/24/2022 Grace and peace, Disciples. Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, and with our deepest gratitude for each of you and for this ministry. In the first days after the February 24 start of the Russian attacks on Ukraine, the humanitarian response, led especially by faith-focused communities, was immediate and significant. Week of Compassion has been in constant contact with our ecumenical partners at home and around the world. The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it; for he has founded it on the seas, and established it on the rivers. ~Psalm 24:1-2 From Rev. Vy Nguyen, Executive Director All of Creation is hurting. Our climate is inarguably shifting. And people of faith are among those calling for urgent action. This week, I am among a group of global leaders gathered for the 2021 UN Climate Change Conference. The 2020 gathering was cancelled due to COVID-19, and the two years since the last conference have seen one devastating disaster after another: from wildfires and severe drought to tornadoes, hurricanes, and typhoons, all made more complicated by the pandemic. A Letter From Our Executive Director2/18/2021 Dear Friends, In the coming weeks, many of our churches will receive the Special Offering to support Week of Compassion. I am grateful for your tremendous generosity that provides relief and offers hope to so many. We just completed assessment of 2020 financial distributions for relief, refugee, and sustainable development programs. This gives us a sense of where the greatest needs arose, and how your gifts helped communities in the midst of a pandemic and other disasters. Because of your generosity, 2020 was our highest program distribution in over a decade. As the world was affected by the pandemic-- and the economic toll impacted our partners-- Week of Compassion stepped up and increased our resource support for disaster relief, refugee, food security and sanitation. A Year-End Update From Week of Compassion12/15/2020 Dear Friends, In our own communities and around the world, this year has been filled with loss and heartache. But as we respond to the needs of a global pandemic, historic natural disasters, and ongoing development projects, this year has also brought countless opportunities to love our neighbors and to show compassion. Your continued faithful support for Week of Compassion has been a light of hope for many, and continues to embody the love of Christ made known in the world. Here are the ways and places in which your compassion has shared light and life, responding to the needs of 2020. Peace, Rev. Vy Nguyen, Executive Director Week of Compassion Responses in 2020
Alabama, COVID-19 Relief Alabama, Hurricane Sally Relief Alaska, Wildfire Long-term Recovery Arizona, COVID-19 Relief Arizona, Emergency Response Arkansas, Emergency Relief Australia, Fire Recovery Bangladesh, COVID-19 Relief Beirut, Emergency Relief Burkina Faso, COVID-19 Relief California, COVID-19 Relief California, Fire Relief California, Keeping Families Together Cambodia, COVID-19 Relief China, Health Emergency Relief Colorado, COVID-19 Response Florida, Hurricane Irma Recovery Cuba, COVID-19 Relief DR Congo, COVID-19 Relief Dominican Republic, COVID-19 Relief Egypt, COVID-19 Relief Egypt, Emergency Flood Relief Florida, COVID-19 Relief Florida, Emergency Response Florida, Hurricane Irma Recovery Florida, Hurricane Michael Recovery Florida, Hurricanes Sally & Eta Georgia, COVID-19 Relief Ghana, Women’s Empowerment Greece, COVID-19 Relief Guatemala, Hurricane Eta Response Haiti, COVID-19 Relief Iraq, COVID-19 Honduras, Hurricane Eta Response Honduras, Women’s Empowerment Hungary, Refugee Support Idaho, COVID-19 Relief Illinois, COVID-19 Relief India, COVID-19 Relief Indiana, COVID-19 Relief Iowa, Storm Relief Istanbul, COVID-19 Refugee Support Jerusalem, Humanitarian Relief Jordan, COVID-19 Refugee Support Jordan, COVID-19 Relief Jordan, Syrian Refugee Support Kentucky, COVID-19 Relief Kentucky, Emergency Response Kenya, COVID-19 Relief Lebanon, COVID-19 Refugee Support Liberia, COVID-19 Relief Louisiana, COVID-19 Relief Louisiana, Hurricane Delta Relief Louisiana, Hurricane Laura Relief Louisiana, Hurricane Zeta Maryland, COVID-19 Relief Mexico, COVID-19 Relief Mississippi, COVID-19 Relief Missouri, COVID-19 Relief Missouri, Storm Relief Nebraska, COVID-19 Relief Nebraska, Flood Long-term Recovery Nevada, COVID-19 Relief New York, COVID-19 Relief Nicaragua, Hurricane Eta Response N. Carolina, COVID-19 Relief N. Carolina, Flood Relief N. Carolina, Hurricane Florence Recovery Ohio, COVID-19 Relief Ohio, Flood and Storm Relief Ohio, Tornado Long-term Recovery Oklahoma, COVID-19 Relief Oklahoma, Emergency Relief Oklahoma, Flood Relief Oklahoma, Storm Relief Oregon, COVID-19 Relief Oregon, Fire and Storm Relief Oregon, Flood Relief Pacific SW Region, Wildfire Relief Palestine, COVID-19 Relief Palestine, Women’s Empowerment Pennsylvania, Hurricane Isaias Relief Pennsylvania, Storm Relief Philippines, Disaster Response Philippines, Women’s Empowerment Puerto Rico, COVID-19 Relief Puerto Rico, Earthquake Relief Puerto Rico, Hurricane Irma Recovery Puerto Rico, Hurricane Maria Recovery Serbia, COVID-19 Relief Sierra Leone, COVID-19 Relief Somalia, COVID-19 Relief S. Carolina, COVID-19 Relief S. Carolina, Severe Storm Relief South Sudan, COVID-19 Relief Syria, COVID-19 Refugee Support Syria, COVID-19 Relief Tanzania, COVID-19 Relief Tennessee, COVID-19 Relief Tennessee, Tornado Relief Texas, COVID-19 Relief Texas, Hurricane Hanna Relief Texas, Hurricane Harvey Recovery Texas, Hurricane Laura Relief Texas, Storm Relief Ukraine, COVID-19 Relief United States, Keeping Families Together Utah, COVID-19 Relief Virginia, COVID-19 Relief Virginia, Flood Relief Washington, COVID-19 Relief West Bank, COVID-19 Refugee Support West Virginia, COVID-19 Relief West Virginia, Flood Relief Wisconsin, COVID-19 Relief Zimbabwe, Food Security Download PDF Week of Compassion is responding both locally and globally to the effects of COVID-19 and its impact on communities. To donate to this response, please designate your gifts "COVID-19 Response." |
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