Photo: Paul Jeffrey/ACT Alliance
Week of Compassion is launching a Summer Immersion program for seminarians (age 21+) currently enrolled in theological institutions and seeking ordination in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
Disciples will spend six to eight weeks in the Philippines or in Pakistan, working alongside local faith-based organizations providing disaster relief and humanitarian assistance. Modern Miracles11/28/2023 providing health care in Pakistan
Pakistan Floods - one year later9/7/2023 greetings & thanks from a partnerThis summer marked one year since devastating flooding in Pakistan, which saw 33 million people flood-affected, 6.4 million in need of humanitarian assistance, and 1.8 million houses damaged or destroyed. Disciples responded through Week of Compassion and ecumenical partner Community World Service Asia. (You can find that story here.) CWSA Regional Director Marvin Parvez sent a video greeting with an update, and gratitude for the work Disciples do to alleviate suffering throughout the world. "That's where we live now."10/25/2022 Week of Compassion continues to respond to the Pakistan FloodsSince June, a torrential monsoon season has devastated Pakistan, bringing the worst flooding in modern history, and leaving almost incomprehensible damage across most of the country:
Week of Compassion is responding through local ecumenical partners and will continue to do so for the long-term. With such massive impact and devastation, an expansive and evolving response will be needed for years to come. The data only show one snapshot of the circumstance; the true impact on homes, livelihoods, and emotions is seen in the people themselves. |
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