Photo: Paul Jeffrey/ACT Alliance
responding in Maui8/11/2023 headlines & prayers from our partnersfrom our partners at Children's Disaster Services (Facebook, Friday August 11 2023) : Children's Disaster Services is responding to the wildfires in Hawaii. Teams of certified volunteers are being pulled together today for deployment soon. They will be working in the shelters on Maui. Take a moment to say a prayer for all the families impacted by by these wildfires. Also pray for all the responders providing care, including the CDS volunteers. CDS included a link to this story from Reuters. Week of Compassion is grateful for our network of partners responding to the wildfires in Hawaii and for the opportunity to support Children's Disaster Services as they prepare volunteer teams, including Disciples, to provide childcare for evacuees. On a coordination call on Thursday, those partners in Hawaii reiterated that the donation of greatest impact is money - in addition to immediate needs, the economic toll in these areas will be significant, as will be the needs for rebuilding. The emotional and spiritual impacts are also great, especially given the devastating loss of life and cultural and historical items. We invite those who are giving generously to designate gifts "Hawaii Fires," and 100% will go to assist affected communities. As always, we especially invite you to continue in prayer for our neighbors in Hawaii. Be near, compassionate God, to those who mourn.
Draw close to your heart those who have lost loved ones and those still anxious for news in Maui. Encourage those whose lives and livelihoods have been destroyed, and comfort communities grieving the loss of cultural treasures. In moments of uncertainty, grant your peace. By your Spirit of wisdom, guide those who are tasked with leadership and those who face countless difficult decisions. Move through your people, God, that we might bring hope amidst the suffering and bear witness to your resurrection life. Amen. Comments are closed.
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